Fantasy World

“We live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion.

The great task in life is to find reality”

✨Sadly our society is consumed with what everyone wishes their life would be like. With all the men and women who have “perfect bodies” and all those who are traveling the world. These things are great and I️’m happy that’s they are able to achieve those accomplishments.

But we (as society) seem to worship those who have these lavish things, awesome experiences, and hot bods. This distracts us from what we have already achieved or accomplished in our life and we get discouraged because the people on social media are doing “better” than us.

We must remember though, that a lot of things posted are very fabricated and behind closed doors their whole life may be falling apart (I personally know a few people who fit this description).

We must not allow the fantasy world to blind our eyes to what reality is…